Monday, August 5, 2013

KID: Win An American Girl Saige Copeland Inspired Trip to Alburquerque

I know that my daughter is not the only one with an American Girl fascination.  That red and white store mesmerizes her with little girl fantasies, miniature meals and matching doll and me fashions.  As a mom, not that thrilled by the price of the fashions and collecting the experiences, but I have to admit, while I don't want to be sucked into the vortex, I love the stories of self-reliance, being a good friend, taking care of you and watching her create stories of her own and craft little worlds makes the teacher and writer in me do a giddy little happy dance.

Available at American Girl, starting at $14.95 
A couple of weekends ago, we watched the NBC premiere of American Girl's Saige Paints the Sky.  She dressed her little AG doll in her cute little sparkly pink dress and sassy little gold boots.  She dressed herself in a coordinating outfit. It was super cute and totally Z.  I turned the DVR on and as the movie started, I heard tiny laughs and saw her twirling around to the music.  

So when this trip sweepstakes hosted by American Girl and the Albuquerque Visitors and Conventions Bureau came across my desk, I couldn't help but share.  

Want to enter, visit here
Want to plan your own Saige-inspired trip, visit here

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