Sunday, June 22, 2014

WATCH and READ: Real Girl's Kitchen and Set Apart Motherhood

June is our busy season -- lots of changes, camping it out and exploring the city.  It's also an experience relearning how to juggle everything with a newborn in tow.  I have noticed that it takes me exponentially longer to get out of the door.  Planning helps  --- as does coffee -- and more than a little flexibility.  Also to accept that it is ok to just chill at home and have no -- I'm mean nothing -- planned.

Here are 2 of the fun discoveries of the last week:

Think cool, modern food with normal ingredients and fun show that reminds you of chatting with your best girlfriends while reading OK magazine.  Good times!

Review copy courtesy of  Tyndale House

Touching, real-life advice, wisdom and grace-filled talking from a mom that's been there.  As a mom with 3 under the age of 8, I appreciate her advice and inspiration.  The devotionals that are included at the end of each chapter are helpful, thought-provoking and encouraging.  

Available online here -- out July 1, 2014

What's on your summer read and watch list?

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